Media blasting and soda blasting is an excellent method for preparing your automobile for painting. A lot of people do call and ask for sandblasting, or if we would sandblast their vehicle, and we will gladly "blast" their vehicle, but never, ever with sand. Soda blasting / media blasting has been used for years by top restoration companies and in-the-know enthusiasts for vehicle paint stripping, it is now gaining in popularity thanks to publicity in recent magazine articles and television shows for auto enthusiasts. Media blasting or soda blasting gently removes old paints and primers and can remove ( or leave if desired ) existing body fillers. Heat is not generated during the blasting process ( unlike sand blasting ), so no warping of body panels will occur. It is safe to blast around wiring, rubber and glass.
For our customers who would prefer an alternative to soda blasting on steel body vehicles we have the answer. A soft powdered abrasive that does not leave a film on the metal, and therefore does not require neutralization. For firewalls, interiors, undersides that require a more aggressive solution, we have blast media for that as well. But never, ever sand!!
Shop & Mobile Solutions We offer shop blasting at our 2576 Dunwin Dr Mississauga facility. Shop blasting is our preferred method and your most economical option. We blast everything from individual parts to your complete project. We handle soda blasting from your basic budget exterior paint stripping to full car de-painting and rust removal. We treat every vehicle as if it's one of a kind! So call us at 905-593-0684 and let's get your project started right.

Metal or fiberglass bodied vehicles – we do both.
Our modern well lit booth with large dust collector allows us to see clearly, giving you a cleaner, more productive blast. |
Doing the job right means selecting the right blast media.
Soda or Sand Blasting?? We never, ever need to use sand! Not even for the heaviest rust! We have blast media to fill in the gap between the sand and soda. We have an arsenal of a half dozen different blast medias with different grades of each product. That allows us to delicately strip paint when that’s all that’s required, or switch media and remove the heaviest rust, or any situation in between! Again, it's never, ever sand! |
Aluminum,Steel or Fiberglass. We handle them all!

Just have parts? No problem! We'll help you with that!

Starting Right is the cornerstone of a quality restoration. This is not the place to cut corners – going back is not an option once the vehicle is finished.
Baking soda blasting is an environmentally sensible, gentle method for automotive paint removal, an excellent alternative to caustic chemical stripping or sandblasting. It is safe for fiberglass bodied vehicles, such as Corvettes. Rest assured, we are not sandblasters, and will never use sand, black beauty, aluminum oxide or any other harsh media on your project – something much appreciated by those that have ended up with warped body panels due to sand blasting. Please call with all your car or truck paint removal requirements. |
services Southern and Central Ontario, serving Toronto ( GTA ), Hamilton, Burlington, Kitchener, Waterloo, London, Oakville, Mississauga, Brampton, Barrie, Georgetown, Acton, Guelph, Woodbridge, Richmond Hill, Ajax, Oshawa, Milton and other neighboring areas. We are available throughout Ontario and beyond, depending on the project. Please inquire about your particular project.